You are looking at the quantitative interactomic profile of the (SEP)507 modified proteoform of HDAC7

UniProt ID: Q8WUI4
Molecule ID: HDAC7 (Link to all interactions of this molecule.)
Alternative name(s): HDAC7A

The selection have 1 unique variants
(SEP)507 modified profile

You accessed the interactomic profile with a defined modification. See all possible variants of the same selection.

The selection have 1 unique fragments
502-511 fragment

The selection have 1 unique sites
14-3-3_pSer507 sites

The current selection is unique

You see an affinity binding profile calculated for macromolecular interactions, where affinities measured using different fragments of the same proteins are combined. To only show affinities of a specific fragment or functional site, select one on the top of the page.

Be careful with the reported affinities and standard deviations because they may be based on an array of measurements performed with unrelated fragments. Always inspect the origin of the measured affinity values by clicking on the reported pKd value in the table.

SelectionPartners Experiment
Any affinities measured between
the same molecules,
unless modification-dependent,
are averaged on this page.
Standard deviation is calculated
using affinities obtained from
independent experiment series.

* indicates that affinity was
not detectable in all
Quality indicator
n > 1 and < 0.5 pKd
n > 1 and > 0.5 pKd
or only detectable in a subset
of experiment series
n > 1, but originating
from a single experiment series
n = 1
(SEP)507SFNP31947not detectable9
(SEP)507YWHABP31946not detectable9
(SEP)507YWHAEP62258not detectable9
(SEP)507YWHAGP61981not detectable9
(SEP)507YWHAHQ04917not detectable5
(SEP)507YWHAQP27348not detectable5
(SEP)507YWHAZP63104not detectable5
(SEP)507SFNP31947100_uM_FCAnot detectable4
(SEP)507YWHAGP61981100_uM_FCAnot detectable4

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