You are looking at the quantitative interactomic profile of the D537V modified proteoform of BIN1

UniProt ID: O00499
Molecule ID: BIN1 (Link to all interactions of this molecule.)
Alternative name(s): BIN1 AMPHL

The selection have 1 unique variants
D537V modified profile

You accessed the interactomic profile with a defined modification. See all possible variants of the same selection.

The selection have 1 unique fragments
513-593 fragment

The selection have 1 unique sites
SH3 sites

The current selection is unique

You see an affinity binding profile calculated for macromolecular interactions, where affinities measured using different fragments of the same proteins are combined. To only show affinities of a specific fragment or functional site, select one on the top of the page.

Be careful with the reported affinities and standard deviations because they may be based on an array of measurements performed with unrelated fragments. Always inspect the origin of the measured affinity values by clicking on the reported pKd value in the table.

SelectionPartners Experiment
Any affinities measured between
the same molecules,
unless modification-dependent,
are averaged on this page.
Standard deviation is calculated
using affinities obtained from
independent experiment series.

* indicates that affinity was
not detectable in all
Quality indicator
n > 1 and < 0.5 pKd
n > 1 and > 0.5 pKd
or only detectable in a subset
of experiment series
n > 1, but originating
from a single experiment series
n = 1
D537VSYNJ2O150565.00*8, detectable in 1
D537VWDR44Q5JSH34.96*4, detectable in 1
D537VARAP1Q96P484.790.21*7, detectable in 2
D537VGPATCH8Q9UKJ34.76*2, detectable in 1
D537VSRRM1Q8IYB34.640.51*37, detectable in 31
D537VSMCHD1A6NHR94.400.38*7, detectable in 3
D537VTBC1D10BQ4KMP74.34*2, detectable in 1
D537VABL2P426844.31*5, detectable in 2
D537VAGAP2Q994904.29*4, detectable in 1
D537VCASKIN2Q8WXE04.240.11*10, detectable in 4
D537VPRRC2CQ9Y5204.190.13*19, detectable in 5
D537VITCHQ96J024.160.16*5, detectable in 2
D537VSRRM2Q9UQ354.160.46*26, detectable in 4
D537VPRR12Q9ULL54.110.42*12, detectable in 2
D537VRSPRY1Q96DX43.980.53*4, detectable in 3
D537VNCKIPSDQ9NZQ33.98*4, detectable in 1
D537VRBBP6Q7Z6E93.96*3, detectable in 1
D537VWIZO957853.94*4, detectable in 1
D537VSYNJ1O434263.940.39*10, detectable in 3
D537VCEP170Q5SW793.93*2, detectable in 1
D537VPRC1O436633.87*2, detectable in 1
D537VEZH2Q159103.82*3, detectable in 2
D537VSH3KBP1Q96B973.78*7, detectable in 2
D537VPRRC2BQ5JSZ53.73*9, detectable in 1
D537VPHACTR4Q8IZ213.720.15*10, detectable in 3
D537VPDS5AQ29RF73.69*2, detectable in 1
D537VDNMT1P263583.67*5, detectable in 2
D537VHNRNPKP619783.630.11*13, detectable in 7
D537VPTK2BQ142893.61*3, detectable in 1
D537VAPBB1IPQ7Z5R63.590.08*5, detectable in 3
D537VSAMD1Q6SPF03.57*5, detectable in 1
D537VWIPF1O435163.56*17, detectable in 1
D537VPOM121Q96HA13.54*6, detectable in 1
D537VRBM15Q96T373.54*2, detectable in 1
D537VZNF280CQ8ND823.54*2, detectable in 1
D537VPOM121CA8CG343.53*3, detectable in 1
D537VMORF4L2Q150143.51*2, detectable in 1
D537VRBMXP381593.49*5, detectable in 2
D537VTBC1D9BQ66K143.49*2, detectable in 1
D537VPRRC2AP48634not detectable41
D537VDNM2P50570not detectable36
D537VMKI67P46013not detectable28
D537VCBLP22681not detectable14
D537VRB1P06400not detectable10
D537VARHGAP17Q68EM7not detectable9
D537VKHDRBS1Q07666not detectable8
D537VMUC5ACP98088not detectable8
D537VGAS2L1Q99501not detectable7
D537VTPX2Q9ULW0not detectable7
D537VWASP42768not detectable7
D537VACAP1Q15027not detectable6
D537VCD2APQ9Y5K6not detectable6
D537VDDX42Q86XP3not detectable6
D537VRBM33Q96EV2not detectable6
D537VANKS1AQ92625not detectable5
D537VARHGAP45Q92619not detectable5
D537VBUD13Q9BRD0not detectable5
D537VZC3H13Q5T200not detectable5
D537VATXN2Q99700not detectable4
D537VC1orf122Q6ZSJ8not detectable4
D537VMICALL1Q8N3F8not detectable4
D537VMORC2Q9Y6X9not detectable4
D537VPPP1R10Q96QC0not detectable4
D537VPPP1R12AO14974not detectable4
D537VRUNX1Q01196not detectable4
D537VZC3H14Q6PJT7not detectable4
D537VCAMSAP1Q5T5Y3not detectable3
D537VCARMIL2Q6F5E8not detectable3
D537VCC2D1AQ6P1N0not detectable3
D537VG3BP2Q9UN86not detectable3
D537VMAP2K7O14733not detectable3
D537VMDC1Q14676not detectable3
D537VSCML2Q9UQR0not detectable3
D537VWEE1P30291not detectable3
D537VATAT1Q5SQI0not detectable2
D537VCAPRIN1Q14444not detectable2
D537VCASTP20810not detectable2
D537VCDT1Q9H211not detectable2
D537VCENPTQ96BT3not detectable2
D537VDENND1AQ8TEH3not detectable2
D537VDMBT1Q9UGM3not detectable2
D537VELMSAN1Q6PJG2not detectable2
D537VESPL1Q14674not detectable2
D537VG3BP1Q13283not detectable2
D537VGTSE1Q9NYZ3not detectable2
D537VHDGFL2Q7Z4V5not detectable2
D537VHIRIP3Q9BW71not detectable2
D537VHMGA1P17096not detectable2
D537VIRF2BP1Q8IU81not detectable2
D537VKDM2BQ8NHM5not detectable2
D537VKIFC1Q9BW19not detectable2
D537VLRRC41Q15345not detectable2
D537VMAP4K5Q9Y4K4not detectable2
D537VMYBL2P10244not detectable2
D537VNOLC1Q14978not detectable2
D537VPKMYT1Q99640not detectable2
D537VPKN1Q16512not detectable2
D537VPRR12Q9ULL5BAA86519.1not detectable2
D537VRNF25Q96BH1not detectable2
D537VSHKBP1Q8TBC3not detectable2
D537VSUB1P53999not detectable2
D537VTMEM237Q96Q45not detectable2
D537VTTF2Q9UNY4not detectable2
D537VTUBGCP2Q9BSJ2not detectable2
D537VWDR33Q9C0J8not detectable2
D537VYAF2Q8IY57not detectable2
D537VANLNQ9NQW6not detectable1
D537VC19orf47Q8N9M1not detectable1
D537VCD3EAPO15446not detectable1
D537VCIZ1Q9ULV3not detectable1
D537VCPSF7Q8N684not detectable1
D537VDCAF12Q5T6F0not detectable1
D537VDIDO1Q9BTC0not detectable1
D537VFKBPLQ9UIM3not detectable1
D537VGAR1Q9NY12not detectable1
D537VIQSEC1Q6DN90not detectable1
D537VKDM2AQ9Y2K7not detectable1
D537VLENG1Q96BZ8not detectable1
D537VLMNB1P20700not detectable1
D537VLUZP1Q86V48not detectable1
D537VMORF4L1Q9UBU8not detectable1
D537VNUP153P49790not detectable1
D537VPAN3Q58A45not detectable1
D537VPDCD6IPQ8WUM4not detectable1
D537VPEX1O43933not detectable1
D537VPI4K2BQ8TCG2not detectable1
D537VPPP1CBP62140not detectable1
D537VPPP1CCP36873not detectable1
D537VPPP1R8Q12972not detectable1
D537VRACGAP1Q9H0H5not detectable1
D537VRASAL3Q86YV0not detectable1
D537VRBM15BQ8NDT2not detectable1
D537VREEP4Q9H6H4not detectable1
D537VRXRBP28702not detectable1
D537VSBF1O95248not detectable1
D537VSMC5Q8IY18not detectable1
D537VSPASTQ9UBP0not detectable1
D537VZC4H2Q9NQZ6not detectable1
D537VZNF787Q6DD87not detectable1

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