Details of experiments between Q04917 and Q6IQ23
Note that the results of all experiments are listed, regardless of the modification states of the fragments.

Experiment series 1

Protein A protein: YWHAH
Protein A fragment: 1-246
Protein A site: 14-3-3
Protein A construct: avi-his6-MBP-TEVsite-14-3-3eta

Protein B protein: PLEKHA7
Protein B fragment: 443-452
Protein B site: 14-3-3_pSer448
Protein B modification: (SEP)448
Protein B sequence: KGDSRSLPLD
Protein B construct: KGDSR(pSer)LPLD (crude synthetic peptide)

Average holdup BI: 0.87
Holdup BI standard deviation: 0.05
Immobilized partner concentration in holdup experiment (10-6M): 130
P value (usually -log10(P Two-sided unpaired T-test), but double check the experimental details): 7.64
Experiment method: HU Multiplex
Details of affinity fitting: hyperbolic binding equation
Date of measurement: 2021.10.13.
Experimental details: -log10(P Two-sided unpaired T-test (4 vs 5))
Number of measurements: 5
Measured pKd: 4.71

Experiment series 2

Protein A protein: YWHAH
Protein A fragment: 1-246
Protein A site: 14-3-3
Protein A construct: avi-his6-MBP-TEVsite-14-3-3eta

Protein B protein: PLEKHA7
Protein B fragment: 560-569
Protein B site: 14-3-3_pSer565
Protein B modification: (SEP)565
Protein B sequence: VPRSISVPPS
Protein B construct: VPRSI(pSer)VPPS (crude synthetic peptide)

Average holdup BI: 0.85
Holdup BI standard deviation: 0.06
Immobilized partner concentration in holdup experiment (10-6M): 130
P value (usually -log10(P Two-sided unpaired T-test), but double check the experimental details): 7.08
Experiment method: HU Multiplex
Details of affinity fitting: hyperbolic binding equation
Date of measurement: 2021.10.13.
Experimental details: -log10(P Two-sided unpaired T-test (4 vs 5))
Number of measurements: 5
Measured pKd: 4.65

Experiment series 3

Protein A protein: YWHAH
Protein A fragment: 1-246
Protein A site: 14-3-3
Protein A construct: avi-his6-MBP-TEVsite-14-3-3eta

Protein B protein: PLEKHA7
Protein B fragment: 1008-1017
Protein B site: 14-3-3_pThr1013
Protein B modification: (TPO)1013
Protein B sequence: ESRYQTLPGR
Protein B construct: ESRYQ(pThr)LPGR (crude synthetic peptide)

Average holdup BI: 0.71
Holdup BI standard deviation: 0.07
Immobilized partner concentration in holdup experiment (10-6M): 130
P value (usually -log10(P Two-sided unpaired T-test), but double check the experimental details): 6.24
Experiment method: HU Multiplex
Details of affinity fitting: hyperbolic binding equation
Date of measurement: 2021.10.13.
Experimental details: -log10(P Two-sided unpaired T-test (4 vs 5))
Number of measurements: 5
Measured pKd: 4.27

Experiment series 4

Protein A protein: YWHAH
Protein A fragment: 1-246
Protein A site: 14-3-3
Protein A construct: avi-his6-MBP-TEVsite-14-3-3eta

Protein B protein: PLEKHA7
Protein B fragment: 981-990
Protein B site: 14-3-3_pSer986
Protein B modification: (SEP)986
Protein B sequence: LRSYVSEPEL
Protein B construct: LRSYV(pSer)EPEL (crude synthetic peptide)

Average holdup BI: 0.68
Holdup BI standard deviation: 0.05
Immobilized partner concentration in holdup experiment (10-6M): 130
P value (usually -log10(P Two-sided unpaired T-test), but double check the experimental details): 4.99
Experiment method: HU Multiplex
Details of affinity fitting: hyperbolic binding equation
Date of measurement: 2021.10.13.
Experimental details: -log10(P Two-sided unpaired T-test (4 vs 5))
Number of measurements: 5
Measured pKd: 4.21

Experiment series 5

Protein A protein: YWHAH
Protein A fragment: 1-246
Protein A site: 14-3-3
Protein A construct: avi-his6-MBP-TEVsite-14-3-3eta

Protein B protein: PLEKHA7
Protein B fragment: 1032-1041
Protein B site: 14-3-3_pThr1037
Protein B modification: (TPO)1037
Protein B sequence: IAPYVTLRRG
Protein B construct: IAPYV(pThr)LRRG (crude synthetic peptide)

Average holdup BI: 0.35
Holdup BI standard deviation: 0.06
Immobilized partner concentration in holdup experiment (10-6M): 130
P value (usually -log10(P Two-sided unpaired T-test), but double check the experimental details): 4.92
Experiment method: HU Multiplex
Details of affinity fitting: hyperbolic binding equation
Date of measurement: 2021.10.13.
Experimental details: -log10(P Two-sided unpaired T-test (4 vs 5))
Number of measurements: 5
Measured pKd: 3.61

Experiment series 6

Protein A protein: YWHAH
Protein A fragment: 1-246
Protein A site: 14-3-3
Protein A construct: avi-his6-MBP-TEVsite-14-3-3eta

Protein B protein: PLEKHA7
Protein B fragment: 467-476
Protein B site: 14-3-3_pThr472
Protein B modification: (TPO)472
Protein B sequence: PENYQTLPKS
Protein B construct: PENYQ(pThr)LPKS (crude synthetic peptide)

Average holdup BI: 0.19
Holdup BI standard deviation: 0.04
Immobilized partner concentration in holdup experiment (10-6M): 130
P value (usually -log10(P Two-sided unpaired T-test), but double check the experimental details): 4.59
Experiment method: HU Multiplex
Details of affinity fitting: hyperbolic binding equation
Date of measurement: 2021.10.13.
Experimental details: -log10(P Two-sided unpaired T-test (4 vs 5))
Number of measurements: 5
The affinity was below the detection threshold of the assay.

Experiment series 7

Protein A protein: YWHAH
Protein A fragment: 1-246
Protein A site: 14-3-3
Protein A construct: avi-his6-MBP-TEVsite-14-3-3eta

Protein B protein: PLEKHA7
Protein B fragment: 1105-1114
Protein B site: 14-3-3_pSer1110
Protein B modification: (SEP)1110
Protein B sequence: SSRYLSRPLP
Protein B construct: SSRYL(pSer)RPLP (crude synthetic peptide)

Average holdup BI: 0.27
Holdup BI standard deviation: 0.06
Immobilized partner concentration in holdup experiment (10-6M): 130
P value (usually -log10(P Two-sided unpaired T-test), but double check the experimental details): 4.48
Experiment method: HU Multiplex
Details of affinity fitting: hyperbolic binding equation
Date of measurement: 2021.10.13.
Experimental details: -log10(P Two-sided unpaired T-test (4 vs 5))
Number of measurements: 5
Measured pKd: 3.46

Experiment series 8

Protein A protein: YWHAH
Protein A fragment: 1-246
Protein A site: 14-3-3
Protein A construct: avi-his6-MBP-TEVsite-14-3-3eta

Protein B protein: PLEKHA7
Protein B fragment: 897-906
Protein B site: 14-3-3_pThr902
Protein B modification: (TPO)902
Protein B sequence: QLRKVTSPLQ
Protein B construct: QLRKV(pThr)SPLQ (crude synthetic peptide)

Average holdup BI: 0.22
Holdup BI standard deviation: 0.05
Immobilized partner concentration in holdup experiment (10-6M): 130
P value (usually -log10(P Two-sided unpaired T-test), but double check the experimental details): 4.1
Experiment method: HU Multiplex
Details of affinity fitting: hyperbolic binding equation
Date of measurement: 2021.10.13.
Experimental details: -log10(P Two-sided unpaired T-test (4 vs 5))
Number of measurements: 5
Measured pKd: 3.34

Experiment series 9

Protein A protein: YWHAH
Protein A fragment: 1-246
Protein A site: 14-3-3
Protein A construct: avi-his6-MBP-TEVsite-14-3-3eta

Protein B protein: PLEKHA7
Protein B fragment: 599-608
Protein B site: 14-3-3_pSer604
Protein B modification: (SEP)604
Protein B sequence: PDQRRSVDIS
Protein B construct: PDQRR(pSer)VDIS (crude synthetic peptide)

Average holdup BI: 0.08
Holdup BI standard deviation: 0.03
Immobilized partner concentration in holdup experiment (10-6M): 130
P value (usually -log10(P Two-sided unpaired T-test), but double check the experimental details): 2.98
Experiment method: HU Multiplex
Details of affinity fitting: hyperbolic binding equation
Date of measurement: 2021.10.13.
Experimental details: -log10(P Two-sided unpaired T-test (4 vs 5))
Number of measurements: 5
The affinity was below the detection threshold of the assay.

Experiment series 10

Protein A protein: YWHAH
Protein A fragment: 1-246
Protein A site: 14-3-3
Protein A construct: avi-his6-MBP-TEVsite-14-3-3eta

Protein B protein: PLEKHA7
Protein B fragment: 421-430
Protein B site: 14-3-3_pSer426
Protein B modification: (SEP)426
Protein B sequence: NPEKHSQRKS
Protein B construct: NPEKH(pSer)QRKS (crude synthetic peptide)

Average holdup BI: 0.71
Holdup BI standard deviation: 0.22
Immobilized partner concentration in holdup experiment (10-6M): 130
P value (usually -log10(P Two-sided unpaired T-test), but double check the experimental details): 2.28
Experiment method: HU Multiplex
Details of affinity fitting: hyperbolic binding equation
Date of measurement: 2021.10.13.
Experimental details: -log10(P Two-sided unpaired T-test (4 vs 5))
Number of measurements: 5
Measured pKd: 4.28

Experiment series 11

Protein A protein: YWHAH
Protein A fragment: 1-246
Protein A site: 14-3-3
Protein A construct: avi-his6-MBP-TEVsite-14-3-3eta

Protein B protein: PLEKHA7
Protein B fragment: 533-542
Protein B site: 14-3-3_pThr538
Protein B modification: (TPO)538
Protein B sequence: RHGSPTAPI-
Protein B construct: FRHGSP(pThr)API (crude synthetic peptide)

Average holdup BI: 0.83
Holdup BI standard deviation: 0.08
Immobilized partner concentration in holdup experiment (10-6M): 130
P value (usually -log10(P Two-sided unpaired T-test), but double check the experimental details): 2.22
Experiment method: HU Multiplex
Details of affinity fitting: hyperbolic binding equation
Date of measurement: 2021.10.13.
Experimental details: -log10(P Two-sided unpaired T-test (4 vs 5))
Number of measurements: 5
Measured pKd: 4.58

Experiment series 12

Protein A protein: YWHAH
Protein A fragment: 1-246
Protein A site: 14-3-3
Protein A construct: avi-his6-MBP-TEVsite-14-3-3eta

Protein B protein: PLEKHA7
Protein B fragment: 626-635
Protein B site: 14-3-3_pSer631
Protein B modification: (SEP)631
Protein B sequence: HVDRRSMPSM
Protein B construct: HVDRR(pSer)MPSM (crude synthetic peptide)

Average holdup BI: 0.21
Holdup BI standard deviation: 0.16
Immobilized partner concentration in holdup experiment (10-6M): 130
P value (usually -log10(P Two-sided unpaired T-test), but double check the experimental details): 1.4
Experiment method: HU Multiplex
Details of affinity fitting: hyperbolic binding equation
Date of measurement: 2021.10.13.
Experimental details: -log10(P Two-sided unpaired T-test (4 vs 5))
Number of measurements: 5
Measured pKd: 3.31

Experiment series 13

Protein A protein: YWHAH
Protein A fragment: 1-246
Protein A site: 14-3-3
Protein A construct: avi-his6-MBP-TEVsite-14-3-3eta

Protein B protein: PLEKHA7
Protein B fragment: 603-612
Protein B site: 14-3-3_pSer608
Protein B modification: (SEP)608
Protein B sequence: RSVDISLGDS
Protein B construct: RSVDI(pSer)LGDS (crude synthetic peptide)

Average holdup BI: -0.05
Holdup BI standard deviation: 0.1
Immobilized partner concentration in holdup experiment (10-6M): 130
P value (usually -log10(P Two-sided unpaired T-test), but double check the experimental details): 0.48
Experiment method: HU Multiplex
Details of affinity fitting: hyperbolic binding equation
Date of measurement: 2021.10.13.
Experimental details: -log10(P Two-sided unpaired T-test (4 vs 5))
Number of measurements: 5
The affinity was below the detection threshold of the assay.

Experiment series 14

Protein A protein: YWHAH
Protein A fragment: 1-246
Protein A site: 14-3-3
Protein A construct: avi-his6-MBP-TEVsite-14-3-3eta

Protein B protein: PLEKHA7
Protein B fragment: 1058-1067
Protein B site: 14-3-3_pSer1063
Protein B modification: (SEP)1063
Protein B sequence: LERLYSGDHQ
Protein B construct: LERLY(pSer)GDHQ (crude synthetic peptide)

Average holdup BI: 0.02
Holdup BI standard deviation: 0.07
Immobilized partner concentration in holdup experiment (10-6M): 130
P value (usually -log10(P Two-sided unpaired T-test), but double check the experimental details): 0.27
Experiment method: HU Multiplex
Details of affinity fitting: hyperbolic binding equation
Date of measurement: 2021.10.13.
Experimental details: -log10(P Two-sided unpaired T-test (4 vs 5))
Number of measurements: 5
The affinity was below the detection threshold of the assay.

Experiment series 15

Protein A protein: YWHAH
Protein A fragment: 1-246
Protein A site: 14-3-3
Protein A construct: avi-his6-MBP-TEVsite-14-3-3eta

Protein B protein: PLEKHA7
Protein B fragment: 882-891
Protein B site: 14-3-3_pThr887
Protein B modification: (TPO)887
Protein B sequence: FPQLQTYVPY
Protein B construct: FPQLQ(pThr)YVPY (crude synthetic peptide)

Average holdup BI: 0.05
Holdup BI standard deviation: 0.55
Immobilized partner concentration in holdup experiment (10-6M): 130
P value (usually -log10(P Two-sided unpaired T-test), but double check the experimental details): 0.07
Experiment method: HU Multiplex
Details of affinity fitting: hyperbolic binding equation
Date of measurement: 2021.10.13.
Experimental details: -log10(P Two-sided unpaired T-test (4 vs 5))
Number of measurements: 5
The affinity was below the detection threshold of the assay.

Experiment series 16

Protein A protein: YWHAH
Protein A fragment: 1-246
Protein A site: 14-3-3
Protein A construct: avi-his6-MBP-TEVsite-14-3-3eta

Protein B protein: PLEKHA7
Protein B fragment: 443-452
Protein B site: 14-3-3_pSer448
Protein B modification: (SEP)448
Protein B sequence: KGDSRSLPLD
Protein B construct: biotin-ttds-KGDSR(pSer)LPLD (HPLC-purified synthetic peptide)

Measured dissociation constant (10-6M): 29
Standard deviation of dissociation constant (10-6M): 9
Experiment method: competitive Fluorescence Polarization
Details of affinity fitting: Competitive binding equation in ProFit

Date of measurement: 2022.01.19
Number of measurements: 3
Measured pKd: 4.63